Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Pumpkins & a missing Kitty

Well let me just tell you i think Halloween is Emma's favorite holiday of them all now well until the next one. We got a few pumpkins and carved them with Emma she absolutely loved it. Now everything sees or hears is Halloween this and that for instance if the door creeks when you open it it is a Halloween door and if someone knocks on your door they are trick or treating it is so funny and very cute. She just loves the pumpkins she wanted to just stay there and hug them she said. Also today her kitten Carter ran away so I'm glad the Halloween things are keeping her mind off of her Carter she keeps asking me to go get him for her and doesn't understand when i say i can't because hes gone and then she cries because she can't see him.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Angel Baby

Well this Saturday October 10 th was supposed to be my due date before I had a misscarriage, I caint believe the time has went by so fast ......

To the baby that I carried
But never seen your eyes
Or tell you how much I loved you
Or ever to hear your cries.

You will never be forgotten
The excitement we had for your coming.
When I realized I'd never hold you,
The feeling I had was numbing.
My angel baby is who you are.
My angel baby you'll always be.
Your loving memory will live in my heart
So you will always be right here with me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The carnival

We took Emma to the carnival they had her in town. She thought it was OK but she really doesn't like them that much yet. The best part about it was when her Daddy won her a stuffed fish and lizard she didn't put them down until she was asleep it was cute. She was kinda scared on the carousel I think cause it really does go kinda fast.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monster Truck

This week Josh had to put a wrap on a monster truck for a church and i just took some pictures of Emma on it she kept thinking it was cool so i guess were going to have to buy her a 4wheeler pretty soon. just kidding maybe when she is 4 or so.

Potty Time

Well Emma wants to be a big girl now she has been using the potty at least 4 or 5 times a day. She keeps saying she pees like Julia does its so funny that's all she can talk about is her Julia. Emma really had fun the week Julia stayed with Nana and papa . The other day Emma wanted to call Julia and i was thinking how would that work a 1 and 2 year old just sitting on the phone not talking you know how they do . I guess she wants to be a big girl too but that works for me maybe soon no more diapers yeah. thanks cousin Julia we love you

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We went and got pictures taken at Sears On Wednesday with Janna and the girls and these are the individual ones taken of Emma in her fluffy blue dress. Emma had a fun time this was the first time she has ever taken pics with Valorie and Gracie. All the pics turned out cute it was fun.

Friday, July 24, 2009

everyday stuff

It was such a hot day the other day me and Emma went to go get a snow cone and she was so excited and she just couldn't quite smiling when i asked her what kind she wanted she just kept saying ice kind. Its was so funny i love it when she smiles so big like that. shes too cute

Well finally Emma hair is getting long enough to put up in cute ponytails, im so excited she really didnt like me messing with her hair but i guess she will probably get used to it before to long.

Here is Emma playing with her 3d glasses she just walks around with these things on its so funny and i call her drew carey u know the guy with the black glasses lol so anyway now she wants me to call her that its funny if i dont say it she says mama dreuuuuu its too funny.